Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Bonnet Sonnet

I have forgotten my Easter bonnet...
well... I've forgotten to buy one that is
Next year! I promise that I'll be on it!
I promise and that's no funny business!

Wait... how is this different than last year?
For I did not buy one back then either
I promised that this year I'd be sincere
but again I'm the underachiever

Why wear an Easter bonnet anyway?
and for that matter, why wear fancy hats?
Sure, they'd be great to hide a bad hair day
are there advantages other than that?

Rather than seem to be the neglecter,
I'll be a conscientious objecter!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Trivial Pursuit of Drunkenness

The Trivial Pursuit of Drunkenness
is the only drinking game that I play.
It makes so much fun and not a big mess;
you'd think it fun too I should like to say.

Each question you answer incorrectly
is a sip of your drink that you must take,
but with each new sip you begin to be
slightly more likely to make a mistake.

At the end there emerges a winner:
the first to collect all six wedge pieces
then roll the die and land on the center
and answer as another polices.

One thing about this that you'll soon learn:
only a wrong answer will end your turn.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Warm and Sunny

Today it is warm and sunny outside
what a nice change from the weather we've had!
The temperature mad me run and hide,
but today it does not feel quite so bad.

Today would be a great day to frolic
and bask in what finally feels like spring.
Everyone can be a sun-o-holic
when this warmth is all that the outdoors bring.

I hope that days like this are not fleeting.
This winter has overstayed its welcome
for in late March, it should not be sleeting,
and people should not need to stay at home.

Rather than worry about days ahead,
I'll use time to enjoy this day instead!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Spring Break Part 2

Today my second spring break has begun
My morning job is closed for a whole week
I could use the time to bask in the sun,
But I think that I'll just catch up on sleep

Next week I will watch a pair of children
While they're on a break but their mother's not
I'll go to their house each morning near ten
And we'll start to have some fun on the spot

I've come up with so many ideas
For fun child friendly activities
Perhaps we can run after some cheetahs
Or maybe just sit and watch some tv

All I can promise is we will have fun
And laughs will be had when the day is done

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Unexpectedly, my week is open;
all of my commitments have disappeared.
Nothing 'til Friday night, and even then
it's just a shift at work, nothing to fear!

I think of the great opportunities:
There are things to do, and places to go.
I look at the choices in front of me,
and which one to pick, I simply don't know.

I think of the things that I need to start;
things that have been sitting undone for weeks.
Perhaps I should look deep into my heart,
or try some things until one of them speaks.

Alas, why must it so often be true;
when I have time, I find nothing to do.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


The side effects listed "Euphoria"
but I am afraid I misunderstood
I had visions of singing "Gloria!"
How could this be something other than good?

Yet now I have realized how wrong I was;
only a fall can follow such a rise.
I am happy and feel almost a buzz,
only for tears to soon fall from my eyes.

For this "euphoria" seems to attach me
To a certain idea or something,
but if that idea comes not to be,
I know that I'll soon find myself crying.

I feel that I'm prone to overreact,
but I guess I'll just have to face that fact...

Monday, March 25, 2013


I have discovered Fiber One brownies;
I thought them to be a no guilt dessert.
A sweet with just smileys and no frownies,
I knew not how soon I would learn to hurt.

The first brownie was a midmorning snack,
and the second I ate later with lunch,
but my diet in fiber does not lack,
but I added more with each brownie's munch.

In one day I ate a total of three,
and shortly my stomach felt uneasy.
I worried! Oh what would happen to me?
the delicious brownies made me queasy.

But luckily, I am able to say
that in the end it all came out ok.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Hopping Pains

I have developed a newfound respect
for those who must wear costumes all day long.
I thought it looked hard, but did not expect
that these brave characters must be so strong.

Saturday morning I put on a suit,
so I'd look like a big fluffy bunny.
All of the children thought that I was cute,
and they thought that my dance moves were funny.

Underneath I wore shorts and a tank top
with the hopes that I would not overheat.
Up and down and around the room I hopped
and soon I was soaked with sweat to my feet.

Still this morning, I ached from the hopping,
but I'd do it again without stopping.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Pony Adventure

Tonight I babysat a little girl;
of My Little Pony she was a fan.
Together we ventured into their world
as our fun, newfound venture began.

I asked her what she knew about the show,
and soon and in no shortage of detail,
she told the plot of the first episode
down to the color of each mane and tail.

And before I knew, she revealed to me
her impressive, vast, pony collection.
Then we acted out the ponies' journey
and we both smiled with great affection.

Tonight was the first time that I have said
that I was sad to put a child to bed.

Friday, March 22, 2013

What Have I Gotten Myself Into

Oh what have I gotten myself into?
Why am I so eager to volunteer?
On tuesday I know what I'll have to do
yet I know here's the fun in my career.

I have agreed to play a large rabbit.
The easter bunny to be specific
I do not hope to make this a habit,
but in the part I will be terrific.

And so, on Tuesday, I will proudly don
a full body suit of fluffy white fur.
A head, mitts, and spats, I'll also put on;
in this outfit I'm sure to have allure.

I act like I'm nervous, but must admit
that I am excited a little bit...

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Internet

The internet is great and terrible;
it is able to both harm and assist.
It makes so many new things possible,
but also can be so hard to resist.

Right now I should be reading a paper,
with text that could only be found online,
but then I get caught up in a new caper,
and learn some new facts to improve my mind.

While I'm researching a presentation,
a funny article catches my eye.
I try to avoid procrastination,
and the distraction grows as time goes by.

But when the assignments are due online,
to distraction I am forced to resign.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Still Grieving

Almost two whole years have passed since that day,
and still I think about it quite often.
While some of  the pain has melted away,
the memories' blows have not been softened.

I find that I am no longer mourning,
and all memories of you are happy,
but then it will hit me without warning
as I think of things that can never be.

I cry in the moment, but it will pass.
I know I'll think of the good times again,
but I know this sadness will always last.
Your loss is a hole that can't be filled in.

As a family, this pain we'll weather.
These wounds won't heal, but they will get better.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Today I feel incredibly tired,
and somewhat disproportionately so.
I have not spent the past few days wired,
but today I just feel ever so slow.

Tuesday has not gotten the memo yet
that today is supposed to be so slow.
I feel like I should be breaking a sweat
as everything else continues to go.

I go slow, but time is moving quickly.
I pause a moment, but lose an hour.
As I crawl through, the day slides on slickly;
making it through requires great will power.

This day will pass; I've already survived
eight-thousand one hundred ninety-nine times.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Taking the Day to "Live"

Today I wanted to be productive,
but so far that isn't quite working out.
I could say that I'm taking the day to live,
but that wouldn't be worth lying about.

While I'm not dead, and I have had some fun,
I admit that I've mostly been lazy.
Sometimes you need a day to be a bum
to ensure that you do not go crazy.

I keep getting up to get something done,
but quickly something else catches my eye,
and I get caught up in something more fun,
then before I know, the day has gone by.

Maybe next time I have something to do,
I'll outsource it to someone who wants too!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Out Cold

My head hit the pillow, and that was it.
My eyes closed, and I was soon fast asleep.
I was out cold until the morning hit.
My slumber was surely deeper than deep.

As morning hit I did not wish to wake,
or if I must wake, I would stay in bed.
Could my bed be something I could take
ev'rywhere that I go today instead?

I'd dose in the grocery store between aisles;
I'd make the drive through into a lounge through.
I'd go to the office and lounge through files;
at the end of the day I'd feel renewed.

But sadly, my mattress is not so light,
so I'll just have to enjoy it at night.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Nothing to Say

I really don't know what to say today,
for this day has been ever so length.
So much more has happened than I could say;
I simply have used up all of my strength.

I worked and I played and I had some fun.
I got to see my family and friends.
I got to enjoy sitting in the sun,
and I am satisfied as this day ends.

There is nothing I can complain about,
and there's nothing that I could want to change.
I don't want to cry, scream, or even shout;
this is an ending that I find quite strange.

I think I'll enjoy these last few hours,
and then take a nice relaxing shower

Friday, March 15, 2013

Ode to Alexander

Late this afternoon I became an aunt;
at last my sister gave birth to her son.
I'm trying to process, but fear I can't;
I know that this change will be a big one.

Although on the ides of March he was born,
Alexander is now my nephew's name.
He should have been Julius I had sworn.
Alas, my sister did not feel the same.

I just have to wonder who he will be,
as this baby boy grows into a man.
And I wonder what he will learn from me;
I would gladly teach him all that I can.

I simply can't wait to see where he goes,
but it will be far; that is all I know.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Aftermath of A Great Crash

Muffins liked to hide underneath the bed,
but now the box spring just rests on the floor.
My poor rabbit seems to have lost her stead
as she cannot go down there anymore.

At first she seemed just a little confused,
and then she seemed somewhat annoyed at me.
Now after some time she just seems amused
by this the new way that things seem to be.

She keeps hopping around and sniffing things
as if I had moved her to a new room.
Excitedly around the floor she springs
as though she has never known any gloom.

Perhaps I should change things up more often
to make sure her keen senses don't soften.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A Great Crash

I got in my bed the same as always,
and then I reached up to turn of my light.
I heard a great crash and knew right away
that something happened and things were not right.

I leaned to put my feet back on the floor
and the mattress and box spring leaned with me.
I stood up and looked down now to explore,
and the damage was very plain to see.

I moved the mattress down onto the floor
and folded the box spring to see the frame.
I saw that the wooden supports had torn
and that this bed would never be the same.

Until I carry the frame out the door,
I guess my new bed will be on the floor.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A Mountain of Yogurt

In the faraway land of North Raleigh
There is a mountain that's made of yogurt.
The grumpiest person would be jolly
If they ever came here for dessert

It is a veritable paradise
For any type of dessert enjoyer
You can try each flavor for a low price
You need not be a doctor or lawyer

This place creates many type of yogurt
Of the frozen variety that is
And you can add toppings until it hurts
They have fifty plus to add to your bliss

Soon after your consumption will commence
And you might just regret your indulgence.

Monday, March 11, 2013

A Really Dark Sonnet About a Chicken

There once was a small chicken named Lola.
Lola lived on a spacious chicken farm.
She had a phobia of Ebola,
though it cannot do chickens any harm.

She found this fear rather paralyzing
though she had no risk of contracting it.
She stayed in her coop and she did nothing
and hoped nobody was noticing it.

She laid eggs each day like good chickens do
so the farmers did not notice a thing,
but as Lola sat there her fears just grew,
and that intensified her worrying.

Because Lola feared, she ended her days
shut in a henhouse with a frightened gaze.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Cleaning Equilibrium

As one thing gets picked up off of the floor
another one falls down to take tis place.
You hang up those pants sitting near the door,
but drop some books into the empty space.

This is the cleaning equilibrium;
you can clean all day but a mess remains.
It can be such an awful conundrum
to slave over a project with no gains.

It can be so easy to just give up,
and resign to living within a mess.
You're sealed in by a wall of old, used cups,
and start regretting what you can't address.

At last you decide to input action,
and this alone will shift the reaction.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Sonneted Out

Can a person right too many sonnets?
Would that person become sonneted out?
As I'm sitting here pondering on it,
I'm wondering if I should have my doubts?

How long can I write a sonnet each day?
Can I really keep this up for a year?
So far so good; I have not felt dismayed.
Will such a dark time ever draw so near?

So far, I must say, it has been quite fun.
I've enjoyed getting these sonnets ready.
Though some days they have barely gotten done,
my flow of sonnets has remained steady.

So yes, at some time I may go away,
but I'm confident that is not today.

Friday, March 8, 2013

On the Clock

I walk into work and I clock in
I'm a few minutes early for my shift
I sit and wait for the rush to begin
And all the small children I'll have to lift

I put on a show and turn on the lights
And sit down while reading a magazine
How many kids will be coming tonight?
Will it be just one or maybe nineteen?

I look at the clock; ten minutes have passed
And yet still no children have come inside
Now 30 minutes have gone by so fast
I wonder if kids will ever arrive

But as soon as I think "that might be nice"
A kid comes in before I've thought it twice

Thursday, March 7, 2013

All the Trees' Leaves were Eaten by Locusts

I have a grammatical confession;
I believe some would call it an error.
I think that this is needless aggression,
and that I should not need live in terror.

For you see, I like to use passive voice
even though spell check tells me I am wrong.
When I use this it is a conscious choice;
would spell check dare correct an artist's song?

Through the years this form has been neglected.
I find it a great way to shift focus.
The important word can be respected:
all the trees' leaves were eaten by locusts.

What matters the most can be emphasized,
and actor not needlessly recognized.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Letters on the Lam

I'm staring at these pages far too long;
soon the words will not make any more sense.
Like the notes of a repetitive song,
the letters seem to begin to condense.

So first the letters all join together.
They meet to decide the path they will take.
They talk about the changes and whether
their leaving the page would be a mistake.

They all agree to make a run for it,
and so one of them makes a distraction.
Your eyes turn away for a little bit
while the letters all jump into action.

You look back at the page and it is blank;
letters laugh at the success of their prank

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My Secret

I have a secret that I must confess.
Ok... maybe "secret" is a strong word...
This confession comes under no duress,
and it is also quite far from absurd.

I do not tell this to everyone,
but I also do not quite conceal it.
With that reflection, my thoughts have begun
to wonder if this is a true secret?

Does not telling people make secrecy?
Or must there be an attempt to hide it?
I feel I have claimed it indecently,
and my "secret" is not much to admit.

My confession is that I feel sickened
each time that I must handle raw chicken.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Spring Break Part 1

Today is the first day of my spring break.
Well, at least the first spring break of my two.
Alas through this week I must still awake,
and go to work as I usually do.

After work though, I can sit and relax,
and there is nothing that I need to do.
Then at night I don't have to go to class,
and I can just keep relaxing on through!

There are plenty of things that I should do,
alas none of them are necessary.
I think that for this week I will eschew
all tasks that are somewhat secondary.

I know in a week I will regret this,
but I am just going to enjoy it.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Thrill of the Hunt

There are there some things impossible to find
you will search and search and never find them.
You can search above, below and behind,
but they are more scarce than the most rare gem.

Of all the elusive things I have sought,
one stands out of the rarest of them all.
It's not a thing to be hunted or caught,
rather it hides on a rack at the mall.

The item itself is not hard to find,
but the right one for you can be fleeting,
and once you have got the right one in mind,
you cant settle; yourself you'd be cheating!

There are so many bras to find out there;
once you find the right one it's all you'll wear.


Saturday, March 2, 2013


I am finally feeling some relief
from the anxiety of daily life.
Finally I can honestly believe
that soon my happiness will become rife.

Each day it gets easier to wake up
and to head out my front door with a smile
finally, things are starting to add up
I feel better than I have in a while.

Finally I'm happy to go to class;
I don't need a red bull or a nap first.
Finally I am sure that this will pass;
I must admit that I had feared the worst.

As the fog slowly lifts around my life,
finally I sense the end of my strife.

Friday, March 1, 2013

A Silly Syllabic Situation

"I think in Iambic Pentameter."
That's what I had to tell my professor
as my strange question began to deter
us from completion of that day's lecture.

I had some questions about syllables,
of words spelled with one, but pronounced with two.
Sometimes different individuals
pronounce differently than others do.

She told me I was over-thinking it;
my suspicion is that she was quite right,
and I felt that I needed to admit
to my blog that has begotten this plight.

We read a few sonnets and had a laugh,
and continued class ignoring my Gaffe.