Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Blind Sonnet

I am trying to write this sonnet blind
thatsto say without looking at the keys...
and with that said I hov=pe that you won't mynd
if  there are more typos than you would please

I guess we'll see how good my typing is
as I type these lines with my head laid down
I guess my rhyme scheme is alo at risk
if I can't remember the last line's sound

now that I'm made it to the third stanza
I think this idea was not so good
q=this is not quite an extravaganza,
but I suppose it has lightened my mood.

Finally I have reached this blind poem's end
now I'll look and see what I could not mend.

(Wow! That turned out a lot better than I expected!)


  1. Love this one!

    So, I think my Rare Birds! Sonnett might be a good follow-up to today's guest post. What do you think?

    1. Definitely! You should have an invitation to become an author somewhere in your email but I can resend it if you can't find it!
